
CRC Invited to Justice Summit Event

03 28 2017

By invitation from the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, CRC participated in the Justice Summit event called “Out of the Silos: Implementing Solutions Together”. This gathering of key perspectives from our provincial justice service providers was an intensive brain storming event hosted by the RCMP. The purpose was to discuss the impact of the Supreme Court of Canada decision in R v. Jordan that forces all Canadian provincial Ministers of Justice to address the factors contributing to delays and inefficiencies in the criminal justice process. CRC used the opportunity to work with Community Justice Initiatives (“CJI”) to advocate for the implementation of effective restorative justice measures. Specifically, CRC and CJI believe that, as has been demonstrated by over 40 years of practise in other Canadian provinces, a well managed victim offender mediation program, approved and operating under Section 717 of the Criminal Code can allow many appropriate cases to be removed from the traditional criminal justice system and which may lead to better outcomes defined by reduced recidivism and higher victim satisfaction.